Saumya Prajapati, DDS, PhD, MSD;
Ralf Schuler, Dr. Med. Dent., MSD
Mountainview Periodontics

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Read what other patients have said about us:

Richard W, Bellingham

Oral surgery is not something any of us look forward to and I was anxious about it. But the exceptional care and skill shown by Dr. Prajapati and her staff, especially Jackie and Kim, are the best you can ask for. They had lots of time to answer my questions, friendly manners, and the surgery was pain-free with a good outcome. I highly recommend this periodontics practice!

Karen Siekkinen, Glacier

I have been a patient of Dr. Wade’s for nearly thirty years. Dr. Wade and his staff are incredibly competent and caring. I have complete confidence when I have a procedure that I will leave completely satisfied with no Ill after affects. He has always been there for me and I can’t thank him enough. Brilliant dental surgeon.